04298 46536-0
Digitale maschinenakte

Kutzner DMF Industry Solution responds to the growing demand for specially tailored digital document management systems. This demand results from the necessity to manage increasing amounts of data, to manage data streams and to store information centrally in such a way that employees have access across departments. In this way, the solution forces stringent digitization of all documents from production as well as the commercial and administrative areas - audit-proof and legally compliant.

DMF stands for "Digital Machine File", since the solution aims to create digital machine files with all documents belonging to a machine. These digital machine files are equipped with an authorization system, are 100% readable, and hold documents in the standardized format for long-term archiving PDF/A. The digital machine files can be read by any user. As technological basis we rely on the Enterprise Content Management System d.3ecm from d.velop. Advantages are to be mentioned: Efficiency increase through document storage for repeatable processes as well as knowledge enrichment through connection of product- and process-related data.

Case studies

Clever labeling without detours!

Clever labeling without detours!

(C)lou - a shortcut to the printed label

We have made it our task to make recurring work steps more efficient and to accelerate them.


Meeting Manager

Meeting Manager

Connecting as many good contacts as possible within the shortest possible time - this is the main motivation for visits to trade fairs and industry meetings. But often the combination of lack of time, sensory overload and disorientation stands in the way of this desired scenario.




Sie sind Steuerberater und nutzen DATEV Unternehmen online? Sie schätzen die Vorteile von DATEV Unternehmen online, verbringen aber trotzdem extrem viel Zeit mit der Digitalisierung und Verarbeitung der Belege Ihrer Mandanten, die Ihnen einmal im Monat einen Ordner voller (unsortierter) Belege einreichen? BelegScan vereinfacht diesen Prozess!


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