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Elsner Datensysteme

Document Management

Complex and Time-Consuming Document Filing?

The topic of digital transformation concerns every medium-sized company without exception as well as international corporations. Good and efficient document management is essential to master the challenges of the business world. With a digital document management system (DMS) mountains of paper on the desk and shelves full of files belong to the past!

The Solution: Clever Document Management with d.velop

Regardless of whether it is an invoice, offer, delivery note or email - documents are created in many different areas of a company. With your document management system d.velop documents , the entire document management process, from scanning to archiving, runs automatically. In this way, your DMS becomes a hub for the flow of information in your company: All employees can access and edit the information relevant to them at any time.

Practical Example: Automatic Processing of Incoming Invoices

Your Advantages

Short search times: Quick access to information and files - anytime, anywhere.

Time saving: You save a lot of time by automating and optimizing processes.

Expandable on click: Adapt your DMS to the individual requirements of your company.

Legal certainty: Legal compliance and compliance requirements.

Transparency You always have an overview of the document flow in the company.

Cost reduction: Reduce your process costs by up to 75%.

Together with you, we create a needs analysis and support you in selecting the suitable document management system for your company and in commissioning. Do you have any questions about your existing d.velop products or would you like to book additional components? We will be happy to help here too.

Your Contact Person
Christian Kutzner

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