04298 46536-0

With MainMan we are developing a system with which our customer digitally controls, documents and monitors all maintenance processes within his own company as well as the maintenance processes of his customers. MainMan is a modular portal solution that is based on three elementary pillars as maintenance software and accompanies maintenance teams, service employees and maintenance managers in their daily work.

The MainMan service portal is the cockpit and communication center of the maintenance software. From here, project managers can view, evaluate, and control data collection, services, maintenance measures, and fire protection. Users receive full transparency on all measures and maintenance results via the docked customer portal MainPatch. Here, they leave component drawings for the individual items to be maintained, print out reports and, thanks to the easy-to-remember traffic light display, keep up to date with the status of individual trades, for example to initiate planning for new acquisitions in good time. The mobile working tool MainScan completes this system as a third element. It runs on Windows 10-Pads with modern scanning technology and offers the maintenance staff on site the possibility to record data quickly and easily as well as to take photos of the objects to be checked.

Case studies



With MainMan we are developing a system with which our customer digitally controls, documents and monitors all maintenance processes within his own company as well as the maintenance processes of his customers.


Clever labeling without detours!

Clever labeling without detours!

(C)lou - a shortcut to the printed label

We have made it our task to make recurring work steps more efficient and to accelerate them.




Sie sind Steuerberater und nutzen DATEV Unternehmen online? Sie schätzen die Vorteile von DATEV Unternehmen online, verbringen aber trotzdem extrem viel Zeit mit der Digitalisierung und Verarbeitung der Belege Ihrer Mandanten, die Ihnen einmal im Monat einen Ordner voller (unsortierter) Belege einreichen? BelegScan vereinfacht diesen Prozess!


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