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Meeting Manager

As a classic web application our Meeting Manager has proven itself several times. Users and organizers were impressed by the simple handling, the reliable functionality and the enormous time savings in the run-up to the event.

All advantages of the Meeting Manager are extended by the advantages of a native smartphone app in the iOS/Android version. Participants receive push messages when they are invited to a meeting, and all meetings that have taken place immediately end up in the device's calendar.

Case studies

Meeting Manager

Meeting Manager

Connecting as many good contacts as possible within the shortest possible time - this is the main motivation for visits to trade fairs and industry meetings. But often the combination of lack of time, sensory overload and disorientation stands in the way of this desired scenario.




Sie sind Steuerberater und nutzen DATEV Unternehmen online? Sie schätzen die Vorteile von DATEV Unternehmen online, verbringen aber trotzdem extrem viel Zeit mit der Digitalisierung und Verarbeitung der Belege Ihrer Mandanten, die Ihnen einmal im Monat einen Ordner voller (unsortierter) Belege einreichen? BelegScan vereinfacht diesen Prozess!




With MainMan we are developing a system with which our customer digitally controls, documents and monitors all maintenance processes within his own company as well as the maintenance processes of his customers.


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